All relationships articles – Page 2
Christian women shouldn’t look to worldly influencers for marital wisdom
Hope Bonarcher says the current trend in relationship advice is seducing a generation of women straight into bondage.
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: I’m a married woman - can I have sex while on my period or is that unbiblical?
In our fortnightly column “Great Sexpectations” the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we tackle; if it's unbiblical to have sex while on your period.
He’s just not that into you: the advice I wish someone had given me when I was younger
Jemimah Wright shares the advice that would have saved her a lot of heartache, if she had been told sooner.
I had to learn the balance between hospitality and boundaries - Jesus had it down
Tori Wells operated a "come one, come all" attitude towards hosting, until a friend challenged her to put some boundaries in place.
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: I don’t like the idea of sex at all - does that make me asexual?
In our fortnightly column “Great Sexpectations” the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we tackle; how to know if you’re asexual.
Envy can drive a wedge between relationships, here are five signs to look out for
Writer and broadcaster Deanna Fletcher tells of her experience of a toxic friendship and shares five things to look out for in an envious friend.
Are you there, God? It’s me, and I’m like Margaret
When she heard that Are you there, God? It’s me, Margaret by renowned author Judy Blume was being made into a film, Rachel Allcock was curious to see whether there was ever more to it than the bits she remembered (bras, boys, and periods)…
I gave birth on Good Friday and lost my baby on Easter Sunday - but I believe we will be reunited thanks to Jesus
For many years, Bryony Wood’s Easter was little more than a bank holiday and a chance to scoff too many chocolate eggs. Until one year when her world turned upside down.
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: How do I help my daughter prepare for marriage when she’s never liked physical contact?
In our fortnightly column ‘Great Sexpectations’ the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we tackle; how to help your daughter prepare for marriage when she doesn’t like physical intimacy.
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: I think my 15-year-old daughter is having sex with her boyfriend, what should I say to her?
In our fortnightly column ‘Great Sexpectations’ the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we tackle; what to say to your teenager if you think they’re having sex.
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: My husband and I have physical difficulty having sex, I feel like a failure, how do I satisfy him sexually?
In our fortnightly column ‘Great Sexpectations’ the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we tackle; what to do when you physically struggle to have sex with your husband.
Why are women so obsessed with ‘bad boys’ like Joe from Netflix’s You? It’s time we changed the narrative
Premier presenter and comedian Cassandra Maria explains why our fascination with “bad boys” is just more proof that we need Jesus.
This Marriage Week: the seven things to remember when working on your relationship
During Marriage Week, Claire Musters encourages us with tips on how to stay the course in our marriages – even as we navigate huge changes.
I went through dark years with drugs, divorce and my daughter’s suicide attempt - then I found Jesus
Laura spent years not believing in God and instead turning to destructive relationships and behaviours, until in the pandemic someone spoke to her about Jesus.
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: I don’t fancy my husband and I don’t know what to do
In our fortnightly column ‘Great Sexpectations’ the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we tackle; what to do when you don’t fancy your husband.
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: My 23-year-old son spends all his time with his girlfriend, I’m worried he’s not making good choices
In our fortnightly column ‘Great Sexpectations’ the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we tackle; a mother’s concern for her son’s relationship.
Experts share the five signs that your partner is about to propose - so is it time for a manicure?
Between December 22 and January 1 is the most popular window for a proposal. As Christians, we know that - for those who are called to it - marriage is an exciting milestone, here are some things to look out for if you think an engagement could be imminent.
The way Christian parents speak to young girls about their vaginas is causing shame but we should celebrate our bodies
As a sex therapist, Emma Waring is all too aware of shame in the consulting room. Here, she challenges us to stop giving women and girls the impression that their genitals are 'nasty' and to help them celebrate the bodies God gave them.
Christian campaigners are highlighting the realities of Violence Against Women during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
Red chairs are being put in churches, businesses, train stations and schools to raise awareness that, globally, a woman or girl dies at the hands of an intimate partner or family member every 11 minutes
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: I'm an unmarried Christian and I live with my partner, I feel uneasy about it but I don't know what to do
In our fortnightly column 'Great Sexpectations' the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we tackle; what to do if you're living with your partner before getting married and you feel uncomfortable about it.
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