All Prayer articles
Has prayer become a ‘thought crime?’
Ann-Louise Graham discusses the arrest of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce for praying outside an abortion clinic, and says this case highlights the risks of criminalizing religious expression.
‘When the riots came to Sunderland’
Rev Canon Clare MacLaren, Canon Provost of Sunderland Minster, writes about her reaction to the riots in August
Suffering is inevitable; our response to it isn’t
Hope Bonarcher reflects on the growing interest in assisted suicide and our culture’s changing views on pain and hardship
Healed of anorexia aged 75
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention
‘I was a secular Jew, but then I turned to Jesus’
Judit Catan’s Israeli family was in a crisis when she first experienced the presence of God and a Christian carpenter reminded her that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah as well as the Saviour of the gentiles.
Dealing with disappointment
Songwriter Mia Fieldes moved to Hillsong in Sydney aged 17 and has written many celebrated worship songs for herself and others but she has faced particular difficulty in her personal life
Suffering has a purpose
Joni Eareckson Tada speaks with Jemimah Wright about her extraordinary life, and why she still takes God at his word – almost 60 years after a diving accident left her quadriplegic
‘God gave me a piano' and 'I received a prophetic word about my future husband’
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention
Be kind to yourself
In Matthew 22:36-39 Jesus was asked: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment?” and he answered: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’”
Utilising yoga during Lent
In this edited extract from Church of Scotland minister Pauline Steenbergen’s book How to Embody Lent in 29 Yoga Postures she explains how she came to practise yoga, why she teaches it now and introduces some of the poses
Nurtured in the hidden places
Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster and former director of St Mellitus College, North West, spoke with Jane Knoop about the topsy-turvy nature of God’s kingdom
'How I got my ‘Jesus dungarees’' , 'God gave us the perfect flat' and 'how worship helped me with sleep training my baby'
Your stories of God’s intervention