Prayer and reflection
Known and loved by God Our inner life is a secret and sacred sanctuary; a refuge for our hopes and dreams, where we tend to our fears and wounds, allowing gentleness and peace to flourish. This is divine design. No one can second-guess it, and I find this deeply comforting.
The fundamental truth of who we are is intrinsic and cannot be assessed by external standards. In Genesis 1:27, our image stands unchallenged in its unique beauty because “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
God has given us a road map governed by free will extended to us by his grace, though what good is a map without a torch and compass? Prayer brings light, and faith strengthens our direction. Today, so much is about how one looks rather than who one is. It’s comforting to know that living a faith-based life can be pretty straightforward. When we align our values with those of Christianity, many distractions and burdens seem to fade away, allowing us to focus on what truly matters.
Ecclesiastes 1:2-3 highlights that a life without God is meaningless and that nothing on earth can provide lasting fulfilment. “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun?” (NKJV).
I came across a beautiful quote from Therese of Lisieux: “a soul that can put up patiently with its own shortcomings is a pleasant place for Jesus to dwell”. It is incredibly comforting to understand that Jesus chooses to reside within me, even with all my imperfections and challenges. We are all made in his image. God shows compassion and love, reminding us we are never alone in our struggles.
The desire to be seen is a deeply rooted human need that touches our lives in many ways. It reflects our longing for acknowledgement and understanding from others and the support that helps us feel valued and connected. Everyone deserves to feel recognised and appreciated – it’s a shared experience that brings us closer together. The Hebrew word translated as ‘vanity’ can also mean ‘emptiness’, ‘meaningless’ or ‘nothingness’. So, my friends, let’s remind each other that we are all beautiful because we are creations of God, the Father and the Son.
As a cherry blossom grows,
So, too, does my love for you.
God, teach me how to thrive,
Show me I am with you, and you are with me.
As the sun rises above my gaze,
So does my unwavering conviction
to stand firm.
God, strengthen me to see you always,
Remind me of your light and love, that I may recognise this in all your creations.
As the wind blows gently upon my face,
Your wisdom strengthens my faith.
God, may patience wash over me, and kindness clear away judgment.
As the sun sets and darkness draws in,
Shine your silver light,
Guide us towards restful sleep.
God, you are our creator,
Thank you for life.

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