All New year articles
How to have clear vision - seeking God’s plan for your life in 2025
‘Would this be a year for us to look back and see how God has been at work, a year of letting go of things that stop us seeing God and others clearly and a year of hearing how God wants to frame the coming year?’ asks speaker and leadership consultant, Hellie Glynn.
God spoke to me about 2025 through an origami star
‘A sense of God’s time, and of God’s hand on our lives, whether we are deadline driven, locked into caring, or folding paper, is something we can cultivate this new year,’ says Rosemary Hector.
It’s the first day of a new year, are you feeling fearful for the future? Here is how to lean on Jesus every day of 2024
There is a lot of pain and hardship in the world today, writes Catherine Campbell, but there is still a reason to have hope for the new year because Jesus has already gone ahead of us.
Four Japanese New Year traditions and what we can reflect on in our Christian faith
Different cultures can show us something new in our understanding of Jesus, says Rachel Mataraki. Here she shows how God’s fingerprints can be seen in the new year traditions in her home of Japan.
Jan 2024: 'You are part of an incredible group of inspiring women'
A message from Doll for the new year
It’s Christmas Day – how are you doing?
In the midst of the gift giving, food preperation and social engagements, Christmas Day isn’t always the day of joy it’s supposed to be, says Woman Alive’s deputy editor, Jemimah Wright. So if you are not feeling great today, here is a little reminder that you are not alone.
Traditions are important…but don’t fret when things don’t go as planned
Veronica Zundel believes we need both a smattering of special moments and the more mundane in our lives
A spiritual new year
Elaine Storkey shares the deeper, biblical significance of embracing a new beginning
Don’t join a gym, don’t become a vegan; here’s how to spend the first month of the year
Hands up, who loves January? I’m guessing not many of us, unless you happen to be a ‘January baby’, in which case you might enjoy your birthday but be frustrated that most people seem too full and fatigued to celebrate with you. (Apologies to my two friends ...
Whether it’s good news or bad, knowing the future won’t make 2022 any easier… Jesus will
As we welcome in a new year, and all the good and bad that may hold, Woman Alive’s editor Tola-Doll Fisher reassures us that even if trouble is ahead, we have all we need in Christ
Looking to the year ahead
A stencil on my wall reads: “HOPE makes all things work and FAITH makes all things possible.” It is a constant reminder to me that there is only one way to turn my helplessness into hopefulness – by fixing my eyes on the Lord, breathing him in ...
New year, same you?
Candy Ellie kicks off her new, three-part series by looking at how we can create long-term change
Nurturing ourselves at bedtime
Nutritionist Clare Backhouse explains how we can get better sleep