’Are women truly breaking barriers in Christian leadership, or are prejudices still holding them back?’ Deanna Fletcher suggests five questions we should be asking for a more inclusive Church.


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The 2023 Barbie film has been celebrated for encapsulating the complex reality of gender dynamics that persist in various facets of society. These challenges are inclusive of Christian leadership and church spaces.

Despite significant strides towards gender equality in ministry, women continue to face a myriad of challenges that impede their progress within the Church. A recent study conducted by Fast Company shed light on challenges facing women today:

Age emerged as a consistent challenge, with some women being deemed too young or too old to lead effectively.

Despite significant strides towards gender equality in ministry, women continue to face a myriad of challenges that impede their progress within the church.

Parental status also emerged as a significant factor, with biases against both mothers and childless women hindering their advancement.

Physical ability and health were found to influence perceptions of women’s leadership capabilities, with assumptions of incapability being made based on physical disabilities.

Marital status, whether single, married, or divorced, also played a role in limiting their leadership opportunities.

The study also highlighted the damaging impact of stereotypes, with introverted women being overlooked as leaders and extraverted women facing criticism for being perceived as too aggressive.

Despite progress made in recent years, women within Christian ministry and mainstream society continue to face systemic biases and stereotypes that undermine their potential as leaders.

Scripture offers accounts of women who played pivotal roles in Jesus’ ministry and the early church, challenging the notion of female subservience.  

Scripture offers accounts of women who played pivotal roles in Jesus’ ministry and the early church, challenging the notion of female subservience. Women like Tabitha, Lydia, and Priscilla were esteemed leaders, contributing significantly to the growth and development of the early Christian community.

Their stories serve as reminders that women have always been equal partners in the vision of God’s kingdom, despite the challenges faced by female leaders and teachers today.

In light of these challenges and opportunities, here are five questions every church and ministry leader should be asking:

  1. How does your church actively promote gender equality and inclusivity in leadership and platform roles? By intentionally creating opportunities for women to serve in leadership capacities and providing platforms for their voices to be heard, churches can actively work towards gender equality and inclusivity.

  2. How will you address and combat societal stereotypes and biases that may hinder women from assuming leadership positions? Engaging in education and dialogue about gender biases and stereotypes, both within the church and in broader society, can help dismantle barriers and create a more inclusive environment for women in leadership.

  3. What strategies can be adopted to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for women leaders, particularly in traditionally male-dominated roles? Implementing programs with leadership development initiatives, and creating spaces for open dialogue and collaboration can help cultivate a supportive environment where women can thrive in leadership roles.

  4. What steps are being taken within your ministry to mentor and disciple women for leadership roles, both within the church and in broader societal contexts? Intentional mentorship and discipleship programs that provide guidance, support, and opportunities for growth can empower women to step into leadership roles with confidence and purpose.

  5. How does your ministry advocate for the recognition and celebration of women’s contributions to church leadership and ministry? By actively acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of women in leadership and ministry, churches can affirm the value and importance of women’s roles within the body of Christ.

While challenges and prejudices may still exist, there is immense opportunity for churches and ministries to cultivate a more inclusive and equitable environment for women in leadership. By asking these questions and taking intentional action, we can work towards realising the full potential of women in Christian leadership, honouring their vital contributions to the advancement of God’s kingdom.