Michelle Tant
Michelle Tant is a lecturer and writer in midwifery. She is also a deacon in her local church, is passionate about social justice and writes a blog about how the Bible humanises, rather than dehumanises women. She lives by the sea on the south coast with her husband and three teenaged children.
- Opinion
Internalised misogyny prevents too many Christian women from seeking justice in the case of patriarchal abuses
‘My observation is that the power of the ‘equal sinfulness’ argument is compelling and can stop us in our tracks. It appeals to our knowledge that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That is why it is so effective in shutting down important conversations about abuses against women in the Church,’ says Michelle Tant.
- Opinion
Why I believe pro-life and pro-choice groups have more in common than first glance suggests
Michelle Tant suggests that when it comes to abortion, ’Confronting women on the front line is too late and an upstream approach is vital if we are to make significant change to the statistics.’
- Opinion
What the Olympics taught me about female friendship
The Paris Olympics ended in August, and as the Paralympics continue, Michelle Tant writes about what impacted her the most - seeing the touching signs of female friendship between the athletes.
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The Bible doesn’t shy away from talking about menstrual bleeding so neither should we
Midwife Michelle Tant explains that to ignore and fear the period is to misunderstand God’s message of hope. And she suggested it should be talked about more, not less.
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Which wedding traditions are biblical? Should you take your husband’s name or even wear a ring?
Writer Michelle Tant looks at someone of the wedding traditions we hold dear, and asks what God thinks about them.