The idea of ‘twin flames’ is that a soul sometimes gets split between two bodies. In reviewing ’Escaping Twin Flames’, Kate Orson explains why the concept is both wrong and dangerous.
The recently released Escaping Twin Flames documentary tells the story of the cult-like behaviour of the co-founders of Twin Flames Universe, an online community for helping people find their ‘twin flame.’
For those who haven’t heard of the concept of a ‘twin flame,’ it is a new age idea - that the soul sometimes gets split between two bodies, and we need to find our other half to be complete.
The programme does a good job of calling out the manipulative, gaslighting actions of the founders Jeff and Shaleia Ayan. One of the most shocking acts was when the couple started pairing people off into twin flames, all of whom just happened to be on the course. Because the course attracted more females than males, Jeff and Shaleia, started naming some of the females as ‘divine masculine’ and encouraging them to change their physical gender.
In the new age, ‘twin flame’ relationships are defined as being ones where people feel an intense and fiery attraction, while having a ‘challenging and healing dynamic.’
What the programme doesn’t address is the problem with the twin flame concept itself.
In the new age, ‘twin flame’ relationships are defined as being ones where people feel an intense and fiery attraction, while having a ‘challenging and healing dynamic.’ It is believed that being with your twin flame heightens emotional insecurities and difficulties allowing people to evolve and grow through the experience. According to this theory, when we have a problem with another it’s always a reflection on ourselves.
The problem with this, is that people can end up thinking that extremely volatile and destructive relationships are a positive way to grow and a necessary part of the ‘healing process. It’s a karmic philosophy where we always attract what we deserve.
Unrequited infatuation is given a different spin with twin flame concepts of the ‘runner’ and the ‘chaser.’ One woman on the course was even given a restraining order after the teachers encouraged her to keep going after her supposed man, even though he had repeatedly said he wasn’t interested.
As an ex-new ager turned Christian it now seems obvious to me that the twin flame concept is just a counterfeit of God-ordained marriage. However, for anyone in the new age it is easy to fall for such lies. I remember once watching a video from a psychic who described the difference between ‘soulmates’ and ‘twin flames.’ I was left thinking that my husband couldn’t be my twin flame as our relationship wasn’t volatile!
As an ex-new ager turned Christian it now seems obvious to me that the twin flame concept is just a counterfeit of God-ordained marriage.
Jeff may seem like a very obvious villain to outsiders. He gets angry and swears at his coaching clients. He even seems to genuinely believe that he is the second coming of Christ. Yet for those on the inside many were brainwashed by the slow drip feed of information leading them to think that a random stranger was their ‘twin.’
One of the real dangers of the show is that it introduces the concept of a ‘twin flame’ to a wider audience without a critical look at the truth of it. After the post-binge watching low, how many viewers will be googling the idea of a twin flame?
1 Corinthians 11:14 says, ‘for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.’ In the new age, there are many coaches and practitioners who don’t come wearing devil horns. They may be gentle, loving and kind and would never dream of getting angry at their clients like Jeff does. They can make the twin flame concept seem entirely believable.
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As Christians we can shine the true light of Christ, rather than the one that catches on fire. We can share that anyone can have an immediate sense of wholeness without needing to find a missing partner.
I pray that the documentary can be used for good to spark conversations, to share the Gospel, and so that people know there is no need to invest thousands of pounds trying to find the perfect relationship. Jesus already paid the price.

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