
A scan of Annie who died shortly after birth

I’ll be honest, I’ve never really thought much about fertility. I was in my 20s when I got married and was pregnant within 18 months. You may know that our daughter died shortly after birth but, even in the years since then, I never considered what might be happening to my eggs. As a single divorcee, having children has seemed a biological impossibility. That is, until I was presented with the concept of egg freezing when my oncologist told me that chemotherapy might negatively affect my fertility.  

In February society celebrates Valentine’s Day and for some that is an excuse – or chance – to celebrate a loving union. For the many single Christian women in the Church who wish to change their relationship status, it can feel very isolating. Add onto that the pressure of a ticking biological clock and it can be really quite depressing. 

Our spotlight feature this issue is on this aspect of fertility. We know that Sarah was way past child-bearing age when she naturally conceived and gave birth to Isaac and many Christians believe this way of waiting on God is best. Others have chosen to trust God through the knowledge he has revealed to medical professionals. So: would you freeze your eggs? Is egg freezing biblical? And should Christian even attempt to have children outside of a marital relationship?

We are an all-female staff team and in the office our thoughts are divided! Read the full article on page six and let us know what you think at 

By the way, if you are unhappily single, do make plans for Valentine’s Day – whether that’s with your friends, family or even taking yourself off for a date. Take a copy of Woman Alive along with you; we’re pretty good company!

Tola-Doll Fisher

Editor + Creative Director