Rae Bowdler was born and raised in an Islamic family, but she says, ’Jesus changed the trajectory of my life.’
I was born and raised as a Shia Muslim in Kenya. Praying to God became the norm. My siblings and I went to ‘madrasa’ which is a class to teach you to read Arabic. I was taught to read Arabic but I could not understand it.
As a child I sought Allah with all my heart, but as a Shia Muslim, I found myself wrestling with the rigid rules and restrictions that seemed to suffocate my spirit. I moved to the UK in 1986 to live with my mum and step dad and I rebelled in my early teens seeking solace in empty relationships and fleeting distractions.
Encountering a necklace with a cross symbol, I felt a stirring in my soul, a call to seek a deeper connection with God.
On holiday in Greece in 2009, I walked into a shop and saw a necklace with a cross on it. I had the urge to buy it. Encountering a necklace with a cross symbol, I felt a stirring in my soul, a call to seek a deeper connection with God.
In that same year I visited Kenya to see my extended family. I was chatting with my aunt about my life. She was sympathetic and suggested that I once again bow down to Allah and pray and seek him. So I returned to England and I continued to pray the namaaz (a ritual prayer performed by Muslims five times a day) but I felt nothing.
When I moved to London, my landlord was a Christian, and he had shown kindness to me. He invited some friends over and together they opened up the Bible with me. When I dined with my landlord’s friends I felt this peace that I’ve never felt before. My new Christian friends encouraged me to read the book of John in the Bible. I had lots of questions, for example why do Muslims believe that Jesus is only a prophet? Why did God send him to such death and was he actually dead before he was crucified?
I had lots of questions, for example why do Muslims believe that Jesus is only a prophet? Why did God send him to such death and was actually dead before he was crucified?
On the tube one day, I found myself flicking through a Bible app that I had downloaded that day. I immediately felt a sense of peace and curiosity.
I read certain books that helped me to understand some of my questions. There is evidence that Jesus took his last breath on the cross and not before that. His tomb is empty and the Bible talks about 500 people seeing him after he had risen.
I began to attend church even though I hadn’t told my family. At one service the pastor talked about the covenant God made with Moses, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit resting over me, repeating my name. I remember having a conversation with him which went a bit like this ‘ Oh my God - this is you? ’ to which he replied ‘Yes this is me.’
I gave my life that night to Jesus and he has been so faithful. I am filled with a passion to share the gospel in all its forms. From preaching in my local church to creating engaging content online that reflects my faith journey. I am committed to spreading the love of Christ to all who will listen. It has not come without persecution. My brothers have disowned me and haven’t spoken to me in a while. My mum loves me but secretly battles with me being Christian.
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I am now a wife and mother and I work in education. God has led me on a remarkable journey, guiding me through seasons of growth and challenge. From gospel courses to finding love through Christian Connection, from raising children as my ministry to leading a women’s ministry called Gather2Gether, I have witnessed the hand of God at work in my life.

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