A message from our editor, Tola-Doll Fisher
So, winter is not my favourite time of year, not by any stretch. However, I do love the time between Bonfire Night (5 November) and New Year’s Day, when the dark evenings are perfectly punctuated by bright lights and the soothing smells of warming orange, clove and cinnamon sticks. Having said that, I do still struggle with the darkness in the mornings, so I’ve added in a few new steps to my routine to encourage me out of bed and they might help you too:
Put your heating on a timer so that it comes on about 20 minutes before you are due to wake up. It’s supposedly better for you to sleep in a cool room but getting up when it’s freezing can be a rude awakening.
Dedicate some morning time where it’s just you and God, even if it’s for ten minutes. Keep your phone away or on airplane mode and read, sit in silence with a hot drink or listen to music, letting the Holy Spirit usher you into your day.
Book an early morning exercise class! There’s nothing like a hot Pilates studio to warm up your body and activate sleepy muscles at the same time.
Go to bed tired. This might sound obvious, but so often our brains are racing with a hundred things that keep us up at night or we are on screens until the very last moment. If you go to bed tired, you’re more likely to fall asleep faster and wake up naturally (I personally hate alarm clocks). Try and give your worries to God, remembering that nothing is a surprise to him and that he has you in the palm of his hand.
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Love and blessings,
Editor + Creative Director

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