Bekah Legg
Bekah Legg is director of Restored, a Christian alliance working to transform relationships and end violence against women.
Contact info
- Website:
- https://www.restored-uk.org/
- Article
My husband was told he had less than six months to live
In April 2023, Bekah Legg’s comedian husband Steve Legg was given a terminal diagnosis following a battle with cancer. A year later, she shares how they continue to navigate the journey with both hope and humour
- Opinion
Is the UK Government’s new ‘flee fund’ for survivors of domestic abuse a good idea?
Bekah Legg, CEO of Restored, a Christian charity with a mission to speak up about violence against women and girls, comments on the Government’s new scheme, and says that while it is much needed, churches need to step up too.
- Opinion
Andrew Tate, misogyny in the media and why Christians should be paying attention
Bekah Legg, CEO of domestic abuse charity Restored, says the Church needs to step up and protect women from the growing spread of misogynistic messages.
- Opinion
The government is taking serious action against domestic abuse but there's more to be done
Bekah Legg, from survivors of domestic abuse charity Restored, explains the new measures put in place by the government to tackle intimate partner violence.
- Opinion
The Istanbul Convention is great news for women but the Government ‘opting out’ including migrant women isn’t OK
The Istanbul Convention is a major human rights treaty ensuring women have the right to stay violence free. Bekah Legg of Restored UK explains why it’s great news for women but desperately disappointing that the Government is signing up to the agreement with ‘reservations’ that will affect migrant women.
- Opinion
‘I’m beyond delighted that Nazanin’s finally home, but please remember the many women and children who are still held captive’
Restored CEO Bekah Legg prays that those living in captivity in the UK will experience the same joy as Nazanin as they find freedom and restoration
- Opinion
Spiking: we need to stop it!
Restored’s Bekah Legg responds to the worrying news that girls are being spiked via injections in nightclubs across the UK
- Opinion
‘I’ve raised my girls to be strong, independent women but now they are gone I can almost feel the hole in my heart’
Reflecting on the excitement and heartache involved when our children head off to university
- Opinion
Who’s protecting our kids?
Restored director Bekah Legg believes parents have a pivotal part to play in protecting young people from physical and online abuse
- Opinion
Misogyny, hate crimes and terrorism: terminology matters
The language we use about violence against women matters, says Bekah Legg, who urges us to use our words carefully to combat a growing culture of misogyny and rape