We all like the idea of getting a glimpse into our futures and plenty of people read turn to their horoscope for guidance. Here Bobbi Kumari explains how this gives the enemy a foothold in your life and that God offers a far better way of discovering more about yourself.
There was a time when reading my horoscope was something to look forward to. A rush of dopamine would kick in, as my eyes scanned the different zodiac signs before settling on my own one. Eagerly I would anticipate the words to come. Would they excite me? Scare me? Align with my reality, or better still, help me to escape it? Would I discover more about my personality? My compatibility with others? Maybe even something about my purpose?
Once I became a Christian though, I stopped pursuing star signs. Yet I can understand why we are so drawn to them. Horoscopes are attractive, because they are “divination”. This is the practise of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown, by supernatural means. And as spiritual beings, we are innately wired for the supernatural. We long to discover a realm beyond the one we can see. The Bible tells us that God has placed eternity in our hearts. This is why we often seek to know the future.
Yet as Christians, our access to the spiritual realm and pursuit of revelation must be found in God, and not in the occult, which is ultimately where horoscopes find their roots. And God is very serious when he tells us to stay away from them. In Deuteronomy 18:10-14 we read, “let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God.”
Our access to the spiritual realm and pursuit of revelation must be found in God, and not in the occult, which is ultimately where horoscopes find their roots.
Clearly, God is not a fan of horoscopes. In fact, they are detestable to him. Deemed witchcraft, they open the door to the demonic and engaging with them gives Satan access into our lives. He is able to influence our thoughts and build ungodly strongholds (belief systems) in our minds, through them. Reading them also places our trust in something other than God. So, despite how common, tempting or harmless horoscopes might appear to be, Christians and horoscopes simply shouldn’t be hanging out together.
In fact, as Christians, there should be no need for us to engage with astrology. Because God, the very creator of the universe, has made a way for us to consult him directly and to communicate with him in so many exciting ways. First and foremost, we have the word of God, filled with his plans and purposes for us. We have the ability and privilege to hear God’s voice in prayer. God uses prophetic voices around us to bring revelation and direction. Many people also have godly dreams and visions that guide them. These are but a few, “legitimate” ways of accessing the supernatural and discovering more about who we are and what our future holds.
Horoscopes open the door to the demonic and engaging with them gives Satan access into our lives.
With so many biblical ways of prophetic direction at our disposal, reading horoscopes and seeking the supernatural through what is essentially spiritually “illegal” means, is not only dangerous for us as Christians, but in reading them we are being “short changed”, by a counterfeit. You see, as children of God we have full access to the one who knows everything, who created everything, who loves us unconditionally and only desires good for us. We have the joy of discovering first hand who we are, what God has in store for us and how to live our best lives, in relationship with him. Seriously, with so much divine discovery available to us, why would we ever need to settle for a mere horoscope?
Yet, if we do ever find ourselves tempted to look up a cheeky zodiac sign, may I recommend we look up a verse of scripture instead? For when we choose to do that, we can never be disappointed, or short changed, because ultimately it’s only “in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.” (Ephesians 1:11 MSG).

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