Maxine Harrison says Lecrae is a key player in the Christian hip-hop scene, and asks if it is that far-fetched to think that God could transform a traditionally non-Christian genre into music that glorifies him?
On 5th February 2024, Christian hip-hop rapper, Lecrae was awarded two Grammys for Best Contemporary Christian Album for his latest album, Church Clothes 4 and Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song for Your Power with Tasha Cobbs. This means the rapper now has four Grammys, with two other wins in 2013 and 2015.
As a giant in the Christian music scene, Lecrae has long been known for his contributions to the hip-hop subculture. As a fan of the genre myself, Lecrae and other Christian hip-hop artists helped encourage me as a young Christian in a really relatable way. They used familiar sounds I was used to hearing from secular music, but paired them with lyrics that made me to want to draw closer to God.
However, the combination of hip-hop and Christianity has not always been celebrated - both in mainstream music and among traditional Christians.
However, the combination of hip-hop and Christianity has not always been celebrated - both in mainstream music and among traditional Christians.
Christian hip-hop being “cheesy”, has historically been a trope often thrown around to describe it. And those who lean more to traditional gospel music have said genres like hip-hop are secular and therefore shouldn’t be mixed with the Christian faith. But Lecrae has played a key part in debunking the idea that hip-hop and Christianity don’t mix well.
When we read the Bible, it is clear that God is a transformational God and looks at people’s hearts. He can use anything to spread his message. From using Balaam’s donkey to speak (Numbers 22:28), through the Holy Spirit dwelling in believers today (1 Corinthians 6:19), this is clear. Therefore, is it that far-fetched to think that God could also transform a traditional non-Christian genre into music that glorifies him? I think not.
Andy Mineo is also a Christian hip-hop artist who has had his music embraced by A-List celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Will Smith. His collab song with Lecrae “Coming in Hot”, inevitably led to many other social media users using the song so that it eventually went viral on TikTok.
In my opinion, this can only be a good thing because more people are exposed to Christian artists, which can lead them to come across more of their music that speaks about God. I believe this influence could have a profound effect.
We shouldn’t underestimate the power God has to use Christian hip-hop to touch people.
KB, a friend of Lecrae and fellow Christian hip-hop rapper, has spoken openly about his coming to the faith. He was introduced to Jesus through listening to a Christian hip hop CD.
Ever since that day, he has been walking with the Lord. Even though I wasn’t introduced to Christ through Christian hip-hop, it has undeniably had an impact on fuelling my faith to draw closer to God as a young Christian. From Trip Lee, to Andy Mineo, my playlist was littered with these types of artists.
Having Christian musicians receive world-renowned awards helps project their platform further and forces the world to take note of what God is doing in their lives.
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It also affords Christian artists more opportunities to branch out to preach the gospel in other ways. For example, last year Lecrae launched a podcast titled Deep End with Lecrae where he is transparent about his experience in the music industry and life lessons as a Christian.
I am grateful for artists like Lecrae beause of how they glorify God through a genre of music I love. They have given me a soundtrack to my life that reminds me of God’s power and goodness.

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