Hannah Wickins
Hannah Wickens is passionate about seeing the truth set people free from trauma-related infirmity of the mind, often manifested in physical disease. With a faith that has been strengthened through many challenges and a knowledge base that has grown through completing a masters in Neuroscience and Psychology, in addition to a degree in Educational Psychology, Hannah relishes linking faith and science to understand the correlation between heart, mind and physiology.
- Opinion
Will the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill help or hinder parents in raising their children in line with God’s word?
‘The bill proposes objectives that at first glance ostensibly shield children from potential harm, even from well-intentioned but ‘ill-informed’ parents. In reality, the small print will render parents defenceless against state intrusion,’ says Hannah Wickens.
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Research confirms fifty percent of women feel their medical needs have been ignored because of their gender. Can faith play a part in the healing?
‘When I feel pain, I pause to ask my body what the root is and will often get a sense of what it is. Sometimes I will need to forgive others or myself, or I will need to consume or abstain from various foods,’ says Hannah Wickens, as she looks into the issue of women’s pain.
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The Government is giving 15 hours of free childcare - as a Christian mum of three, here are my thoughts on it
The offer of free childcare has caused Hannah Wickens to prayerfully contemplate the conflict she felt about accepting it, and wonders if the reason she felt incensed was that childcare is not regarded as ‘work’.
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We should celebrate the athlete who fought for breastfeeding mothers at the Olympics
‘I can confidently assert that it increases bonding, creating strong foundations for a child’s emotional resilience,’ says Hannah Wickens, as she acknowledges the dedication of Olympian Clarisse Agbegnenou.
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Reaching midlife as a Christian woman (avoid having a crisis and embrace saying goodbye to youth)
Hannah Wickens shares some of her own experience of reaching her forties, and suggests some ways we can reframe the future as a place of hope rather than sad decline.
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Are absent fathers worse for daughters and can our Heavenly Father make up for it?
As we look to Father’s Day, Hannah Wickens comments that if a father does not fulfil his role in caring for his daughter: ‘her core sense of self slowly unravels and self-preservation jostles to the fore, often culminating in defensive behaviour where trust is elusive.’
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Should Christians have more children to make up for the UK’s falling birth rates?
’Human life is of infinite value, created in God’s image. Children are a gift to invest in, not a financial burden,’ says Hannah Wickens, who suggests we think again about how we view procreation.
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As Christian parents, should we smack our children?
As the NSPCC joins calls for a ban on smacking children in England, Hannah Wickens, who grew up with the Dr James Dobson school of discipline, shares her view after becoming a parent.
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Vinted or Primark? Why Christians need to be involved in the fight against fast fashion
Hannah Wickens explains why the recent French bill to curb budget clothing manufacturers is so important, and looks at what we can do to be less wasteful with our clothes.
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Hope is so important in Princess Kate’s cancer diagnosis
’Human life is comprised of mind, body, soul and spirit and investment in each of these components is integral in our passage towards healing’ says Hannah Wickins. As a mother close in age to the Princess of Wales, she went through a health battle and understands the deep sense of responsibility for your children riding alongside an innate drive to survive.
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Kylie Jenner has dissolved her fillers – is this a step toward freedom?
Is the world starting to agree with the Bible - that grey hair is a crown of glory? Not quite, says Hannah Wickens, but it might just be going in the right direction, and Kylie Jenner is leading the way.