A message from Doll
The contents of this particular issue comes with a slight warning. When we were planning the November content we wanted to focus on persecution; to shed light on the atrocities particularly aimed at women and to offer prayer and support for those currently suffering.
As we are encouraged in the Bible: “Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings” (1 Peter 5:9). This means that there are some articles in this edition that tell harrowing stories of persecution and suffering and may cause some distress. But I want to encourage you to read them regardless because the truth in these stories is so powerful.
So much of my personal Christian walk – and perhaps yours – has been full of questions for God: “Why? Why? WHY?!” Silence can seem deafening when we go through trials. But we do not exist in isolation and the support and prayer we can provide for each other should not be undervalued.
My prayer is that you see the light that is shining through each of these stories and the hope that we continue to dare to have in the face of such abhorrent treatment and tragedy. I know many reading will be going through tragedies of their own; I believe the hope in these stories will inspire you to keep on in the faith. Please share with us your thoughts on this issue at
Love and blessings,
Editor + Creative Director

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