Woman Alive reporter
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Singer Ellie Goulding visits women’s homelessness centre founded by Church Army
As many of us head off home to spend time with our friends and family for Christmas, let’s also remember that many women and their families will have nowhere to go.
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Not everyone will have a happy Christmas this year and the Church must pay attention to those feeling isolated
Kat Osborn, CEO at Safe Families, reveals a new course to help Christians join the fight to end loneliness in our communities.
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Do you feel like God is speaking to you about fostering a vulnerable child? Carers are urgently needed
Children’s charity Home for Good has launched an urgent appeal in response to an unprecedented shortage of homes for children who need them and a desperate need for more foster carers in the UK.
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There’s a new audio version of the NIV Bible with only women’s voices - for a very specific reason
On International Women's Day the first ever all-female audio version of the NIV Bible is launched - to show women that their voices matter.
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Christian campaigners are highlighting the realities of Violence Against Women during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
Red chairs are being put in churches, businesses, train stations and schools to raise awareness that, globally, a woman or girl dies at the hands of an intimate partner or family member every 11 minutes
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Companies are claiming to be ethical to sell more products - but this is how you can spot the ‘greenwashing’
Many Christians feel called to live more ethical lives, but this is hard to do when 40 per cent of companies who claim to be sustainabile could be misleading customers and using the term as a marketing tool. Here, the CEO of ethical app ethy, explains why accountability is so important.
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These are the signs of a functioning alcoholic, and how you can help if you think you may know one
As summer brings plenty more drinking opportunities, Private Rehab Clinic Delamere shares the signs that you’re a functioning alcoholic and what you can do about it.
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I’m an employment expert and this is how to ask for a pay rise and promotion in a way that means you’re most likely to get it
Women are historically bad at asking for promotions and pay increases, but with the cost of living going up people are needing more money than ever just to get by. Here a professional explains exactly how to go about asking for a raise.
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Love Island has many faults but it has managed to put sustainable fashion on the map, and that’s got to be a good thing
Love Island’s collaboration has thrust sustainable fashion into public consciousness, here ethical school uniform provider David Luke explains ‘buzzwords’ of the moment and what they really mean for the items in your wardrobe.
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I don’t want the vaccine and now I may lose my job - shouldn’t we be allowed to choose?
Two healthcare professionals share their reasons for not wanting to take the COVID 19 vaccine, and explain the repercussions on them and their families.