All sexuality articles
If you've got questions about gender and sexuality, don't be afraid to ask God
Ashleigh Hull shares her experience of falling in love with someone of the same sex and how that led to her work with Living Out, an organisation helping people, churches and society talk about faith and sexuality
Let’s not be afraid of our sexuality
Bobbi Kumari encourages us to be confident in the way we have been made as women, and to embrace our gender roles
The truth about sex
Caitlin and Cole Zick of Moral Revolution spoke with Jemimah Wright about the importance of sharing the truth on sex with young people, and how to have better conversations about God’s design for sexuality
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: I don’t like the idea of sex at all - does that make me asexual?
In our fortnightly column “Great Sexpectations” the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we tackle; how to know if you’re asexual.
Lessons on sexuality: ‘Goodbye, Garden of Eden’
In the first of our series of extracts from Bobbi Kumari’s book Sacred Sexuality, she unpacks the moment perfect sexuality was tarnished