July sees the end of the academic year – a relief to students finishing their exams but possibly daunting to children starting new schools in September


July is the start of the summer break, which is a great time to relax, kick off ourshoes and dip ourtoes into paddling pools, streams and oceans.

Walking with my grandson by the riverrecently, we went on a mission to find insects. It was refreshing to explore the huge world through the eyes of a child, making up stories and gasping with glee as we discovered butterflies, caterpillars and bumble bees. His eyes grew wide with wonder watching dragonflies dancing around the riverbed. He held out his hand carefully as I placed ladybirds on his fingers, and laughed as they flew away. As we tiptoed through the long grass, the chirping grasshoppers filled our ears with song. The joy in his beaming face as we soaked up God’s miraculous and beautiful creation was absolutely priceless! This experience reminded me of what it says in Psalm 8:2:

“Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” (NIV)

Father we are so thankful that your hand is upon our lives, leading and guiding us daily.

Let every sight and wonder be magnified with your love as we catch our breath and walk in step with you.

May we never take for granted the beautiful world that you have created for our delight and enjoyment.

Let us be encouraged to step out of adulthood occasionally and see this magnificent world through the eyes of a child.

We pray for all those students who have finished their exams; that this summer break will bring them peace and relaxation.

We ask you to watch over those children who are feeling unsettled about moving into a new class or school next term.

May your presence be felt by all those parents and grandparents who are feeling anxious about keeping children entertained over the summer.

And may we all remember to invite you into every little detail of our lives during this precious time of year. Amen.