When Suzie Kennedy posted about transgender athlete Lia Thomas’ win in the women’s freestyle, her large social media following expressed concern at the potential repercussions.
University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas became the first transgender athlete to win the NCAA title in the women’s 500-yard freestyle. On the winner’s podium, Lia towered in stature over her fellow competitors and was greeted with a booing crowd as she took what they felt, was an unfair victory. Female competitors alongside Lia had expressed their anger at what they felt was an unfair advantage but were too afraid to give their names for fear of reprisals.
I shared the story on my Instagram, expressing that whatever view one holds of trans women competing against biological women in sport, what was more concerning was how the aggrieved biological women were scared to speak up. As soon as I posted it, my inbox was flooded with messages. Alongside the messages from women congratulating me on being “brave” in speaking out on this issue, came the warnings that I had now made myself more open to attack. Concerned friends and followers advised me that I could potentially lose friends, work, or be “cancelled”. These women who thanked and praised me for speaking out, were also fearful for what could happen to me as a result.
God gave women the natural role as main caregiver when he gave us the ability to give birth. Speaking in general, we are as a result, a mothering and caring gender. Women know how it feels to be oppressed in society and identify with those who feel on the fringes. This includes those in the Trans community so why do women fear speaking out on issues that affect their own spaces?
In June 2020, world-renowned Harry Potter author JK Rowling expressed her thoughts on trans gender issues infringing on women’s rights on her personal Twitter account and was met with abuse and outrage. JK Rowling was in effect, cancelled. A school in Essex removed her name from a building they had dedicated to her and the actress Emma Watson, who achieved fame and wealth from the Harry Potter movies, referred to her as a witch at the 2022 BAFTAs. JK Rowling is a billionaire; her livelihood is not affected by her views but the extreme reaction to her Tweets have struck fear into women, who might also be scared to be labelled ‘TERF’ (Transgender-exclusionary radical feminist).
Why do women fear speaking out on issues that affect their own spaces?
Look, I don’t claim to know a lot about sport. I can’t even run to the shop without needing to stop and pretend to look at something, just to catch my breath. But that’s not the point.
The point is, I care about women. Women who have dedicated their lives to training to be the best at their profession and now have concerns about the future of it. Trans woman Caitlyn Jenner who competed in the Olympics when biologically male, has said they feel Trans women should not compete against biological females due to the imbalance in strength and anatomy. Caitlyn Jenner has not been cancelled for their view and went on to receive the Glamour ‘Woman of the Year’ award in 2015. Recently, Trans woman Rachael Levine won the 2022 award for USA Today ’Woman of the Year’.
On Thursday 3 March this year, Scotland announced the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill. The Bill proposes people are to live in their “acquired” gender for 3 months (reduced from 2 years) followed by a further 3 month reflection period; after which they will be granted a Gender Recognition Certificate. Trans rights are growing at a rapid pace; the same pace at which biologically born women are growing more afraid of expressing their concerns. This fear of upsetting the transitioned male sex as naturally born women seek to resist the redefinition of what it means to be a woman, can be terrifying. I would even go so far as to say it feels as though women are, once again, finding themselves being defined by men.
Friends advised me that I could potentially lose friends, work, or be “cancelled”.
In the ongoing age of the me-too movement and modern feminism, biologically born women should hold no fear of being shamed publicly or cancelled for questioning their space in the world. Is that the future of feminism? Sounds like misogyny to me.
‘Have I then become your enemy, by telling you the truth?’ Galatians 4:16

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