Reader prayer - September 2021

Dear Lord, I am struggling. 


Sometimes I just do not know who I am.

I am a daughter, a business woman, a wife, a mother, a carer, a cook, tailor, choir member, a volunteer, a friend and confident.

Sometimes I feel like I do not exist, as I am lost beneath the many hats I wear daily. Even when I try and take a break, there is an urgent call and request to do something and be someone. 

I look in the mirror and fine lines are beginning to appear. Is this really me? I’m sure they weren’t there yesterday.

The last time I bought anything I was wearing skinny jeans, now I need jogging pants to hide the excess weight I have gained during the pandemic.

Lord, I don’t know who I am, can you help me?

Your word says that you formed me in your own image, that I am made in your likeness. Please help me to find time in my busy day to sit at your feet and hear your reassuring words of life to me. Set me upon the right path of life with you. You are the lifter of my head. Help me to see myself as you see me – your child who is greatly loved. 
