All Victims articles
Modern day slavery: Human trafficking
Gina Cavallo is an influential voice advocating for victims and survivors of human trafficking. A survivor herself, Gina helps to shape US policy and state legislation, and is a ‘prevention educator’ in schools and colleges
New victim’s bill is good news for survivors of violence but we still need to do more, say Women’s Aid
Justice secretary Dominic Rabb published new draft legislation that will give victims more support as they fight for justice. But charity Women’s Aid say we still need ring-fenced funding, particularly for services by and for black and minoritized women.
I help female victims of violence get justice with safer procedures for reporting and victim sensitivity training for magistrates
Many people criticised IJM Uganda’s Cissy N. Bwogi for going to University. Now she uses her degree to support victims of domestic abuse including providing shelters for women within police stations, trauma-informed interview rooms, comfortable spaces, with equipment needed to record reliable, tamper-proof evidence for court.