Stories of God’s intervention 

Migraines healed

I’ve experienced bad migraines since the age of 14. Called ‘focal’ migraines, they would start with vision loss, and then I would look down and could only see two fingers on my hand. I would then know that I was getting a migraine. I would try and get home as quickly as possible if I was out. Often, if I was moving or in a car, I would vomit. Then suddenly I would get a pounding headache. It would last for about 24 hours, and then I would get what felt like a 48-hour hangover. All very debilitating. I was trying to do my exams at school, and lived in complete fear of the next migraine striking. I was having about one a month. When I was 17 I went to the Soul Survivor festival. In one of the meetings, people were called forward for prayer if they wanted healing for anything. I went up, and gave the migraines to God. I felt an incredible peace, and saw, in my mind’s eye, a dove flying off. That was it. In that moment I truly believe Jesus healed me. I am now 31, and haven’t had a migraine since!

Laura, via email 


Baptism in the bath tub

In March 2022 my door buzzer went and as I asked who it was, someone responded asking for help. I got a housemate to accompany me and went downstairs. I was met by a man who I soon found out was called Antonio. After chatting for a while, I could sense the Lord had brought Antonio to us for more than just practical help. We spoke about Jesus and I asked him if he wanted to receive Jesus as Lord over his life. He said yes, so I told him to open his hands as a symbol to receive God’s love and power, and led him through a prayer of repentance, confession and faith. Then we asked for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. After Antonio received Christ into his heart I could sense the Lord wanted us to baptise him, so I asked him if he wanted to be baptised and he said yes straightaway. My immediate thought was: “Where do we baptise him?” God had a plan! We filled the bathtub with water and gave him some clothes to get baptised in. As the bath was filling, I shared with Antonio the reason for baptism. As I did he repented more, broke his cigarette in half and I broke the power of addiction over his life in Jesus’ name. As Antonio got into the bathtub it was a powerful moment; he was obviously desperate for God and freedom. After he got baptised he came out of the water a different man. We prophesied over his life, there was deliverance and freedom from torment in his mind. We gave him a coat, money and a Bible, and also got him dinner and invited him to our church. Praise the Lord! Another son has come home!

Jasmin, via email 


Stress gone and able to sleep

I struggled with insomnia when I became a GP trainee, due to work stress. I have been on a journey for the last few years trying to recover my sleep. I now sleep amazingly well most of the time. However, for two weeks in February I started to wake up in the night and was not able to get back to sleep. For me that is a sign that I have things on my mind that I am not processing or dealing with during the day. My alarm goes off at 5am, and two nights ago I didn’t drop off to sleep until 3am, so I felt really rough the next day. At the end of the day I got in my car, and felt a prompt to call a friend who is in hospital at the moment. I thought I would call her to cheer her up, which wasn’t what I would usually do at the end of a hard day. When I was on the phone to her, I felt the compassion of God rise up in me. I didn’t share anything about how I hadn’t slept, but as I prayed I started taking authority over her sickness, praying as I felt led to do. I remember thinking what an amazing gift it is to be able to pray for someone else, and how good it is to step outside of my own problems, and remember how powerful God is. Even though I felt I needed prayer, it was amazing to pray for someone else and it helped me connect to God. She then started to pray for me. The Holy Spirit ministered to me in such an unexpected and powerful way. She felt I had a ‘straight-jacket’ of stress around me and I had been under spiritual attack for a couple of weeks. She rebuked all of that, and prayed I would step back into peace. She said that God was encouraging me to rest, which is what he has been speaking to me about. I knew during the call something had left me – a burden or dark cloud. I knew I was going to sleep well that night – and I did, waking up after eight hours sleep!

Ellie, via email 


Hearing from God

I run a ministry called Kingdom Living Ministries ( We teach people to hear God. There was a new person at church the other week so I went to speak with her after the service. I started asking God to give me an encouraging word for her. The Holy Spirit started to download all this information to me about her life, past trauma and ways that God wants to bring healing into her heart and use her to do the same for others. As I shared this with her she started to cry and said: “It’s like you’ve just told me my whole life story. How do you know all this?” I explained Jesus told me these things because he knows her, loves her and wants to be in relationship with her. She went on to say that she wasn’t a Christian but considered herself ‘spiritual’, having been to psychics before. But she added that no psychic had ever been as accurate as when God had spoken! I took a risk, trusting God to come through for me and said: “When Jesus wants to reveal himself, he always shows up. Here, let me prove to you that he is God and more powerful than anything else. Do you have any pain in your body?” She confirmed that she had back pain so I laid my hand on her back and commanded the pain to leave. She was totally healed! In complete shock, she told me that this had been an ongoing problem for years and she couldn’t believe what had just happened. It was a total joy to watch her meet with God in such a real way.

Lauren, via email 

What’s your story?

Testimonies are an important way of encouraging each other in faith and we’d love to hear your personal experiences of God, whether that’s a miracle story or Jesus standing with you in the storm. Email us:

Please include your first name with your correspondence – but do let us know if you want to share anonymously. Entries may be edited for length and clarity.