Frances Kordonowy
Frances Kordonowy is the press officer for International Justice Mission UK, a global organisation partnering with local justice systems to end violence against people living in poverty.
- Opinion
The 2022 World Cup in Qatar is a wake-up call about labour exploitation – so what can the Church do to help?
The World Cup is a wake-up call that labour exploitation is still a very real problem for millions of people around the world, and unless we act now, it will continue to get worse. Here, Frances Kordonowy from modern slavery charity IJM, explains what churches can do to help.
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A respectful, low-key London Fashion Week starts today but it’s still a reminder that we need to take action against exploitation in fashion supply chains
Despite recent tragic events, a stripped back London Fashion Week kicks off today. But did you know that there are an estimated 25 million people in forced labour slavery around the world – and many are producing items we use every day, including our clothes? Frances Kordonowy from International Justice Mission UK explores the dark reality of exploitation in fashion supply chains, and what we can all do to help.
- Opinion
Six months on from the start of the Ukraine war, this is how churches are putting faith into action to protect refugees
There may be fewer and fewer headlines about the war in Ukraine but Europe is still in the middle of its biggest refugee crisis since World War II. Here International Justice Mission’s Frances Kordonowy shares the incredible work churches continue to do for those who need our support.
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Ukrainian woman and children are now at a higher risk of trafficking for sexual exploitation or forced labour
According to the UN, the unprecedented displacement of millions of Ukrainians is “turning into a human trafficking crisis”. Now International Justice Mission (IJM) has warned that things are set to get worse for women and children as their resources run out and the risk of trafficking increases.
- Opinion
The urgent risk to women fleeing Ukraine that we need to talk more about
For traffickers, war isn’t a tragedy it’s an opportunity and the flood of refugee women crossing the Ukraine boarder are vulnerable to predators. International Justice Mission’s Frances Kordonowy explains what we can do to support those in danger.