All Bible articles
Can AI help your faith?
Maxine Harrison has found the AI app helpful in answering her questions around faith and the Bible, but says we can’t rely on AI alone…
Many women in the Bible used their sexuality to survive, and Jesus did not condemn them
Jesus made no comment at all about women who used their sexuality as a means of making a living. In fact, any condemnation the Bible makes of prostitution is reserved for the men who buy sex, not for the women who sell it,’ says Sally Hope.
This is what Jesus said about marriage and divorce
Elaine Storkey unpacks Matthew 19, and reminds us that our relationships should be faithful, safe and loving
Christine Caine: ‘I should have been a statistic’
The Australian evangelist opened up to Fiona Stewart about the childhood abuse she endured, the shock of finding out she was adopted and the passion God has stirred in her to fight human trafficking
How to handle complaints with justice
Elaine Storkey unpacks Acts 6, revealing the principles that enabled the early Church to move forward after a dispute and which she urges us all to live by today
Gwyneth Paltrow’s former nursery nurse, Rachel Waddilove, left Bibles for the children in her care
As a nanny to the stars, Rachel Waddilove supported many celebrity and royal families with a keen sense of her own faith, but she also knew the pain of a difficult marriage and divorce at home
God does not force anyone to believe in him
Elaine Storkey unpacks scripture to show that God gives each of us the freedom of choice, with an exhortation to stand with those who are persecuted for putting their faith in him.
What is hope and why is it so powerful?
‘Hope is a way of thinking. It can break us or make us, depending on the state of our minds,’ says Pauline Newton.
Being fair is part of our calling as Christians
Elaine Storkey urges us to embrace the biblical principle of economic justice
‘I saw a man’s leg grow back!’
Jemimah Wright shares a testimony of healing from the Philippines, when she saw what she describes as ‘the Bible coming to life in front of me.’
How God uses adoption to forward his plan
Elaine Storkey looks at the stories of Moses and Esther, explaining how they both were instrumental in Israel’s deliverance from its enemies, as well as revealing God’s heart to care for orphans throughout scripture
How the Bible was deliberately censored to control African slaves
Dr Sheila Akomiah-Conteh unpacks the origins and teachings of the little-known 19th-century Slave Bible
Educating all of the Ritas - what does the Bible say about educating women?
Elaine Storkey takes a close look at what the Bible has to say about educating women, and delves deep into the often quoted 1 Timothy 2
Ten ways to press in when our walk with Jesus feels stale
What do we do when what began as a good spiritual discipline has become dull and dreary? Jenny Sanders gives some ideas on how to meet with God in new ways.
What the Hebrew meaning of ‘wait’ taught me about waiting
A new understanding of the word ‘wait’ has helped Imogen MacDonald in her own experience of waiting
Reading the Bible in another language taught me to slow down and meditate on God’s word
Kate Orson lives in Italy and she says reading the Bible in Italian has helped her understand scripture in a whole new way.
Running the race
Elaine Storkey looks at the Olympic imagery found in the New Testament letters, and encourages us to keep persevering in our own races
‘Why must all sports be fiercely competitive?’
Veronica Zundel shares her own experiences and perspective on the sporting world
Doubting the Bible almost shipwrecked my faith
Ruth Clemence reflects on a time when she wondered if the Bible could be trusted. For her, it led to a depressive cycle followed by anger, cynicism and disconnect from the Lord