Reader prayer


Dear Lord,

Yesterday is history and tomorrow we will be part of history whatever may happen, close to home or far away in the world we inhabit.

When I consider all that happened before I was born and what has happened since, I wonder if we will ever learn from our mistakes. So many wars and cruel ways in which people have been treated; may we have a greater understanding of human nature never to repeat those atrocities.

Father thank you for the many Christians who, through the centuries, have made a positive impact in this world.

Thank you for the godly men and women who, by your grace, have rewritten history books by their actions; who have heard your call to go into the world. We praise you and give thanks for the good example they have shown and the difference they have made.

Thank you for the scientists and engineers who have made our lives easier with new inventions and technology, and those who have made scientific advances in the treatment of diseases.

Lord, I pray each of us would leave the imprint and legacy of your love and mercy in our spheres of influence, that those who come after us will look back one day and say: “They made a difference.”

In Jesus’ name, Amen.