Walking through a field on a warm August evening, my eye caught sight of a glimmer of colour. There, standing tall but alone in the middle of the field, was the glorious bright yellow head of a sunflower. It seemed confident and not at all out of place among the dreary brown vegetation. Its bright, sun-filled face beamed at the world beyond


Did you know that sunflowers face the morning sun and then follow its movements throughout the day, maybe to warm up the flowers for the bees – who knows? It’s a beautiful example of the wonder of God’s creation.

God wants us to feel like this: warm, glowing, confident and standing tall in the knowledge that we have his love filling our hearts with peace and joy. He does not want us to feel like a wallflower when it comes to his love; he wants us to resemble the sunflower.


Dear Lord, our Father, help us to follow your love with our whole being when we rise each morning.

Help us to face you Lord, and gaze at you in true amazement, standing tall in awe of your majestic love throughout the day – even when we are feeling weary. Let us look for the light, and focus on you when we start to feel the darkness creeping in.

We thank you Lord, that your love is so pure and deep it penetrates our souls and purifies our hearts. Help us to focus our attention on you each day, placing you in the centre of our lives as only then can we truly face any trial and tribulation.

Lord, we give you all the glory and feel your joy as we are reminded of the sunflower that is so evident this time of year in fields, gardens and bouquets. Let us fill our homes and hearts with this beautiful flower and be reminded of your brilliant light.
