Feedback from the Woman Alive community

Thanks for the Book Club!

I love to take my time to read the magazine from cover to cover. There is plenty of variety in the subjects covered and I find they are all very relevant to the issues that concern me or affect my own life. One of my friends has gifted me a subscription as a Christmas present for several years. If she stops, I shall buy it myself. I have found the stories behind some of the cover photos particularly touching and inspirational. I pass on my copy to my daughter, who always looks forward to reading it herself.

As a keen reader, I want to thank you for the Woman Alive Book Club contributions from Amy Boucher Pye. I have followed up some of the book recommendations and managed to complete this year’s summer challenge of Book Bingo. I regularly check out and comment on the Woman Alive Book Club Facebook page. It was a way of connecting with others throughout the COVID-19 lockdowns, and provided me with comfort and community when I was shielding last year.

Christine, via email


Buying from my local Christian Bookshop

Getting a copy of Woman Alive is a reason to visit my local Christian bookshop. I see the expansion into the digital version, and that is a good idea for the younger generation. But please don’t forget us older women who love to sit down with a magazine, a brew and Jesus!

Suzanne, via Facebook


The right editor

The January magazine has arrived – in perfect condition. Thank you Doll – I love the honesty and encouragement in your message and hope that God blesses you even more in 2022. You are such a gifted editor…definitely in the right place at the right time.

Angie, via email 


A magazine for all

I love the regular articles, particularly Veronica Zundel’s. She is humorous and open in her musings. I always enjoy reading the life lessons too. Woman Alive is a magazine that I am happy to share with all my friends, regardless of their faith. Keep up the great work.

Alison, via email


Started a family discussion

I always like reading Veronica’s articles, and in January’s edition, her article started a family discussion over new words entered in the dictionary for each of our years of birth. It was hard to believe, and many a laugh was enjoyed as we discovered everyday words we now use are in fact fairly recent.

I found it useful to think about resilience, and the balance to be struck when things get tough.  We may need the support of others rather than just trying to cope on our own, and not think badly of ourselves in so doing.

Margaret, by email


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