Samara Levy
Samara Levy is the founder and CEO of Samara’s Aid Appeal, which provides medical and humanitarian aid in Syria. She is the author of Rebuilding the Ruins (Hodder & Stoughton), which tells her own story, and Up From the Ashes (Hodder & Stoughton), the inspiring testimony of a Syrian Christian doctor. You can find out more on her website.
- Opinion
From water every three days to no fuel for ambulances: the realities of living in Syria right now
Campaigner Samara Levy shares a bleak picture of what life is like for those in Syria at the moment and what Christians can do to help.
- Article
Rebuilding Syria
Samara Levy first introduced us to the charity God stirred her to set up, which serves the Middle East with medical and humanitarian help, in July 2021. She is now back, sharing the stark reality of life for Syrians and challenging us all to contemplate the true cost of forgiveness