Some Christians are sceptical about celebrity tattoo artist Kat Von D's baptism. Here, writer Kate Orson shares her thoughts.


Source: Reuters

Tattoo artist and TV personality Kat Von D just got baptised, but some Christians are saying she’s a false convert. The star shared a video on Instagram of her ceremony at her local church in Indiana. 

Back in July 2022 Von D wrote a post about how she was getting rid of books on witchcraft and other occult items like Tarot decks. She said: 'I’ve always found beauty in the macabre, but at this point, I just had to ask myself what is my relationship with this content? I just don’t want to invite any of these things into our family’s lives, even if it comes disguised in beautiful covers, collecting dust on my shelves. Right now, it’s never been more clear to me that there is a spiritual battle taking place, and I want to surround myself and my family with love and light.’’

"It’s never been more clear to me that there is a spiritual battle taking place, and I want to surround myself and my family with love and light.’’

Scrolling through Von D’s Instagram it’s easy to speculate about whether she’s still idolising the darkness. There are recent images of her and her family, almost always dressed in black. There are skeleton costumes, cobwebs, a blood red coloured pool in the garden.

Death entered the world after Adam and Eve sinned, so it’s hard to square a Christian belief with a public image that glorifies this dark imagery. I can understand why some Christians may be a little sceptical. However, the Bible warns us not to judge another’s salvation. As James 4.12 says: "There is only one law-giver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbour?’’

Only God knows Von D’s heart and the journey of sanctification is personal and gradual. It’s early days so she might not have even picked up a Bible yet. She might only be beginning to explore this relationship and what God wants for her.

The Bible tells us that we will recognise genuine followers of Christ by their fruits, and when we look at an image on the internet, reading carefully crafted words, it’s impossible to tell if someone is a genuinely loving, kind, faithful Christian. It can be tempting to try to fill in the gaps with discussion and speculation.

The transition from believer to non-believer is when spiritual warfare is at its height.

The book of James tells us that the tongue is: "a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." Looking at the comments of Von D’s posts, the judging Christians who are questioning her faith are putting off non-believers.

Kat Von D’s conversion story has reminded me not to gossip or slander, but instead to pray. I’ve learned a lot speaking to other former occultists, and the transition from non-believer to believer is when spiritual warfare is at its height. The devil doesn’t want to let go of his followers, and so baby Christians fresh from witchcraft need support. I hope anyone reading this will join me in prayer for Kat Von D.