All life articles
It’s Good Friday and we know that death must precede resurrection. This is how I understood the principle…
This Easter weekend Bethany Anderson is reminded that sometimes, things have to die in order to come back to new life.
However you choose to live, live well
Veronica Zundel explains what she believes the term ‘lifestyle’ means
Understanding the menopause
As she personally juggles perimenopause with work, family life and church leadership, Claire Musters reports on a conference organised by the Kyria Network to help women understand what still - despite the media coverage it has been given in recent years - appears to be a taboo subject
‘Who really wants to be “evangelised” (and without an anaesthetic)?!’
Veronica Zundel challenges us to check we are fulfilling God’s full mission mandate
What kind of parent would plan out their children’s lives in every detail from the get-go?
Reflecting on a recent holiday, Veronica Zundel considers how it mirrored life’s unexpected turns.
Five things I have learned about…embracing the ordinary
Cathy Madavan encourages us to celebrate each day, and to savour the small moments as well as the big
Fitness and faith help my neurodivergent brain
Sophie Mei Lan struggled to understand herself until she was diagnosed. Today, she describes how exercise enables her to truly thrive as the person God has designed her to be