Isabell Fisher
Isabell Fisher is co-founder of Little Hands Learning, an educational and eco-friendly subscription box for children aged three to six years. Every month your child will receive an exciting gift in the post containing a beautiful picture book and everything needed for four engaging and fun activities. You can connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.
- Opinion
I run a kid’s book subscription service and this is how you can pick books that support your child’s mental health
Reading with your child gives them an incredible advantage when it comes to expressing themselves and processing their emotions. Here Isabell Fisher, co-founder of Little Hands Learning, explains the vast advantages of books and suggests some titles to dig into with your little ones.
- Opinion
How to get your children to love reading more than they love screen time
Children are often glued to a screen and getting them to put it down in favour of a book is a difficult task. Here Isabell Fisher, co-founder of Little Hands Learning, shares her three tips for getting your children excited about reading.