Elizabeth Moore and Audrey Elledge
Audrey Elledge is a graduate of Baylor University and Vanderbilt University and now lives in New York, where she serves at Church of the City New York. Audrey works as a SparkNotes editor, has won the Academy of American Poets Prize and the Vir ginia Beall Ball Prize, and has been published in Fathom.
Elizabeth Moore is a graduate of Mississippi College and the Columbia Publishing Course at Oxford University. Born and raised in Louisiana, she now lives in New York, where she works at Penguin Ran dom House and serves at Church of the City New York. Elizabeth has contributed articles to Timshel, Transformed, Windrose, Belong, and Portico magazines.
Together they are co-authors of their debut book, Liturgies for Hope.
- Opinion
'You are intimately aware of the sting of this loss': A prayer for when you love someone who doesn’t love you back
Heartbreak is agonising and brings up so much hurt and disappointment. Here, Elizabeth Moore and Audrey Elledge, authors of Liturgies for Hope, share their prayer for when you love someone who doesn’t love you back.
- Opinion
'It is safe to grow old': A prayer for letting go of your younger self
For all of us, the idea of getting older, looking older and having your youngest years behind you is daunting. Here, Elizabeth Moore and Audrey Elledge, authors of Liturgies for Hope, share their prayer for letting go of your younger self.
- Opinion
We wrote a book of liturgy and this is our prayer for paying the bills when there’s not enough money
Many of us are struggling to make ends meet at the moment. Here, Elizabeth Moore and Audrey Elledge, authors of Liturgies for Hope, share their prayer for when there’s not enough money to pay the bills.