All Doubt articles
Doubting the Bible almost shipwrecked my faith
Ruth Clemence reflects on a time when she wondered if the Bible could be trusted. For her, it led to a depressive cycle followed by anger, cynicism and disconnect from the Lord
Churches can do damage by silencing doubt and not addressing toxic behaviour - but there's hope
Author of (Un)Certain: A Collective Memoir of Deconstructing Faith, Olivia Jackson gives an insight into her research and encourages us all to do better.
Don’t feel ashamed if you experience doubt in your faith… it doesn’t have to be your dirty secret
Kat Wordsworth felt doubt in her faith but, ashamed and scared, she did all she could to swallow the uncertainty and carry on as if it didn’t exist. Here she explains the importance of discussing doubt and acknowledging it’s a normal part of our faith journey.