Whether or not Christians believe in reincarnation is a topic frequently Googled, so here writer Lauren Windle shares her thoughts.


Source: Hrustall Qui / UnSplash

Reincarnation is the idea that when you die, your soul is reborn into a new body. The person would carry few or no memories with them from their past lives. Some believe that doing good things can elevate your social position in future lives, while bad behaviour can lead to lower positions. The belief is that, at some point, the person will have passed enough lives in a high position that they reach enlightenment and make it into eternal bliss (Nirvana).

Reincarnation isn’t part of the Christian faith, and it doesn’t feature in the Bible. The early Church did debate the idea with some seeing its merits, but it was in 553AD at the Second Council of Constantinople that early Church Fathers concluded that the idea had no place in the Christianity.

Reincarnation isn’t part of the Christian faith, and it doesn’t feature in the Bible.

The Church leaders agreed that the concept would contradict the doctrine of corporeal resurrection and therefore undermine the need for Christ’s redemptive sacrifices. But despite this there were early Christians who believed in the idea. This is thought to be because spiritual teaching at the time was heavily influenced by philosophers like Plato who did believe in reincarnation.

It’s not just historically that Christians have embraced the idea. Research by American think tank Pew Research Centre in 2009 found that 22 per cent of American Christians expressed a belief in reincarnation.

Research found that 22 per cent of American Christians expressed a belief in reincarnation.

The figure surprises me, because the Bible is clear that we have one life on Earth and when it’s done that’s when we receive judgement based on our faith in Jesus. So there aren’t additional opportunities to live well or be a good person. Look at Hebrews 9:27: “And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.” Or Psalm 78:39: “He remembered that they were but flesh, a passing breeze that does not return.”

This can feel harsh. Particularly to those who are grieving loss and would like to see their loved ones again. Or to those who like the idea of plenty of chances to “get life right”. But instead, Christianity offers the opportunity to spend eternity with those we love in heaven through Jesus and his sacrifice. There’s no need to be in a continuous cycle of life, with all its pain and suffering. Instead, there’s the joy and peace of all time in the glory of heaven with those you care about and your Father.